December Monthly Challenge

December Monthly Challenge

1. Happy December Birthday!
Read a book:
🎄published in December
🎄with a blue or green cover in honor of the December birthstone, Turquoise
2. Baby Names!
Read a book:
🎄that includes a character (doesn't need to be a MC) or is written by an author with one of the following popular baby names, or any variation or nickname of one of them (example using Robert: Robert, Rob, Bob, Roberta, Bobbie, Robertson, etc)
🎄with a character that somehow represents the name's meaning (in parentheses). Some of the meanings are pretty obscure, so feel free to be creative!
This month's names: Naomi (Beautiful, Gentle), Mabel (Lovable), Elijah (My God is Yahweh), Jacob (Supplanter)
3. Featured Author Challenge (FAC) - Jennifer Ashley
Read a book:
🎄written by Jennifer Ashley, or any author with her first or last name - 
Fun Facts about Jennifer Ashley:
-- Jennifer currently lives in the Southwest of the US
-- She writes historical, paranormal, and contemporary romance as Jennifer Ashley; mysteries as Ashley Gardner; and paranormal romance and urban fantasy as Allyson James.
-- Jennifer's hobbies include cooking, hiking, playing flute and guitar, painting, and building miniature rooms and dollhouses.
Read a book:
🎄set in the US Southwest
🎄tagged historical, paranormal or mystery
🎄by an author who writes with a pseudonym
🎄with a character who does one of Jennifer's hobbies: cooking, hiking, playing a musical instrument, painting or crafting
4. Bingo Month - December is Bingo's Birthday Month! Bingo was first manufactured in 1929 by by Edwin S. Lowe. The game first came to North America in 1929, but it can be traced back to 1530. It is historically known as 'beano'.
Read a book:
🎄that starts with a letter in BINGO
🎄that is tagged historical or has a different title than the original
🎄where characters play a game (doesn't have to be bingo, could be a sports romance)
5. Write a Friend Month - In a month filled with gifts for others, this is a great time to actually share your words with loved ones—tell them what they mean to you and why.
Read a book:
🎄with words as part of the scene on the cover (not title, author, series or other publisher printed words)
🎄where a letter or note is written to someone (does not need to be actual snail mail)
🎄where the characters show they care in some way (your interpretation)
6. December 8: Take it in the Ear Day - This day is noted on various holiday webpages, but no one seems to know why it was created or who created it. Maybe it's a day for people to intently listen to others, or to let someone yell at you without responding. Maybe it's a day to get your ears cleaned out at a doctor's office, or to get your ears pierced. Or maybe the name of the day is a euphemism for something else... If the creator of the day would have made sure someone else took the reasoning behind the holiday in their ear, we would all know what the day was about!
Read a book:
🎄with at least one full ear visible on the cover (doesn't have to be human)
🎄where something happens that no one can understand why or is tagged mystery
🎄with the letters E-A-R in the title (doesn't have to be in order)
7. December 10: Nobel Prize Day - It is a day in honor of Alfred Nobel, who died on this day in 1895. In his last Will and Testament, Nobel established several categories of prizes for accomplishments made for the betterment of mankind. While his heirs contested the will, Nobel's wishes prevailed and the first prizes were awarded in 1901. They are international recognition awards. The Nobel Prize Foundation Prize controls the determination of award recipients, and the annual presentation of awards.
Read a book:
🎄that has been nominated and/or won an award
🎄with a page count that includes a number from 1895
🎄with an author whose first and last initials can be found in Alfred Nobel
8. December 14: UK National Postal Worker Day - When we think about postal workers, postal carriers usually comes to mind. These are the men and women who deliver the mail to you by vehicle or walking, six days a week, under all kinds of weather. Carriers certainly should get recognition today. But, this is a day to show appreciation for all postal workers, about 490,000 workers in the United States, and over 120,000 in the U.K. They include the clerks behind the counter, mail sorters, truck drivers, management, and a wide range of other jobs at the Postal Service.
Read a book:
🎄set in the United Kingdom
🎄where someone receives a package (doesn't have to have been ''mailed")
🎄with a significant weather event (snow/thunderstorm, blizzard, hurricane, etc.)
9. December 21: Winter Solstice - Winter Solstice marks the beginning of winter and is the shortest day of the year. On this day, it seems as if the nighttime darkness lasts all day and all night. At the North Pole, the sun never rises on this day. BUT, by the way, while the northern hemisphere is experiencing it's shortest day, the southern hemisphere is basking in sunshine and enjoying the first day of summer!
Read a book:
🎄set in either winter or summer
🎄with either a wintery or a summery scene on the cover
🎄that is first in a series
10. Reader's Choice -
🎄Read any book of your choice!

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