Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Last Carolina Sister - Michelle Major (HQN - Apr 2021)

Series: Magnolia Sisters (Book 3)

In Magnolia, North Carolina, love might be waiting right next door…Meredith Ventner knows a wounded creature when she sees one. Though her temporary new neighbor may be -- on the surface at least -- a successful, drop-dead gorgeous doctor, she recognizes the deep hurt Ryan Sorensen is carrying, and it's catnip to her soul. But even though Meredith is the youngest, scrappiest and single-est of Magnolia's most famous sisters, she's committed to expanding the animal shelter on her newly inherited farm. She can't waste her energy on a man who's only passing through town.
Ryan is hoping that after a month of small-town living he'll be healed enough to return to his busy ER. His injured leg isn't half as painful as his guilt from the tragedy he's trying to forget. Yet somehow, helping feisty, tenderhearted Meredith care for her menagerie is making him question his career-first priorities. Here in this quirky small town another future is coming into view, but can he change his life, and open his heart, to claim it?

Terrific conclusion to the Magnolia Sisters trilogy. Avery, Carrie, and Meredith are half-sisters who discovered their connection after the death of their father. Left to deal with their father's financial mismanagement, they've spent the last six months restoring stability to their properties and the town. Along the way, Avery and Carrie found love. Meredith's inheritance was the farm where she runs her animal rescue. She barely makes ends meet, and the taxes on the property will be due soon. Meredith has big dreams for the property and applies to many places for grants to help her.
The story opens as Meredith shows up at a new neighbor's house, looking for help with an injured man. Ryan is a doctor, temporarily staying in Magnolia while he recovers from an injury he received on the job. He doesn't want to go with her, but she won't take no for an answer. Neither one has any inkling of the impact they will have on each other's lives.
I liked both Meredith and Ryan. Meredith leans toward the blunt end of the social skill set. After her mother left them, she was the only girl in the family with a somewhat gruff father and two older brothers. Her mother's desertion and a traumatic event while in high school left Meredith with a very low opinion of herself and her abilities. Add in the shock of the revelations about her birth father and two previously unknown sisters, and Meredith struggles with figuring out who she is. She built walls around her heart and buries herself in her work with the animals to avoid thinking about her problems. One thing Meredith has going for her is a sensitive and kind heart. I love her devotion to her animals and her determination to give them the best she can.
Ryan came to Magnolia to heal, not just from his physical injury but also from the emotional trauma. He's hiding out, wallowing a bit in the guilt he feels, but also going a bit stir-crazy. Though born to a wealthy family, Ryan's father raised him and his sister to focus on service to others rather than personal pleasure. Even family vacations were spent on volunteer opportunities instead of any fun or relaxation. As a result, Ryan focuses on work and has no close friends or hobbies. He also puts distance between himself and the family's wealthy side to avoid being judged for something he doesn't want.
I loved the development of the relationship between Meredith and Ryan. Their first meeting, as Meredith practically kidnapped Ryan, was both funny and a little heartbreaking. It hurt to see Ryan so deep in his guilt that he was afraid to help. Once he was there, he was okay, though still trying to maintain his distance. But a funny thing happened, as Ryan found himself connecting with Meredith and her animals. That connection freaked him out a little, and it took a couple of tries before he became comfortable around her. As the attraction between them sparked and simmered, their friendship also grew. I liked Ryan's protectiveness and support as he helped her with the rescue. I especially liked how Ryan refused to let Meredith put herself down around him and worked to show her how amazing she is. Working with Meredith and getting to know other locals showed Ryan what was missing in his city life.
The more time Meredith and Ryan spent together, the more their feelings for each other grew, though neither wanted to admit it. Meredith knows he doesn't plan to stay, and she doesn't see herself as appealing enough to keep him there. Ryan still insists to himself that he will return to his previous life and forget his time in Magnolia. But just as it looks like they might finally see the truth, a secret Ryan's been keeping comes out and runs up against one of Meredith's deepest insecurities. I hurt for Ryan as Meredith refused to listen to him, making him rethink his plans. Meredith's feelings of betrayal drove her to say some hurtful things. I loved seeing friends and family get involved in bringing the two back together.
The family dynamics in the book added to the emotional journeys of both Meredith and Ryan. Ryan's we mostly see through his memories of the past and the effects of his parents' actions on his life. We get a brief introduction to his sister, Emma, who makes a quick visit to Magnolia. Their conversation reveals a lot about why Ryan distances himself from his family and shows how much he cares for his sister. Another meaningful relationship is that of Meredith with her family. Her relationship with her dad changed when the truth of her birth came out. The distance between them hurts Meredith. I liked seeing the beginnings of a return to normal after Meredith's accident and her dad and brothers arrival to help. I also enjoyed seeing the continued closeness between Avery, Carrie, and Meredith. I especially enjoyed seeing Avery and Carrie work on Meredith's self-worth and help her steer through her relationship with Ryan.

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