Sunday, September 12, 2021

Code Name: Aries - Janie Crouch (Calamittie Jane Pub - Sept 2021)

My code name is Aries. The stars say I'm aggressive, dominant, first in line to lead.
The stars aren't wrong.
Zodiac Tactical is my company. It's run by those I've chosen for their skills and ability to outmaneuver adversaries. We guard, protect, rescue…assist on the side of the angels.
We eliminate the threat when nobody else can.
My pastime of putting bad guys out of business has created powerful enemies, but I've always made sure there was nothing in my life I couldn't live without.
Until now. Until her.
She's not a warrior, she's an artist. She sees colors everywhere and greets the world—and me—with a smile. I knew I shouldn't come near her from the beginning, but she's everything I've never been able to be.
And now a monster has taken her, caged her, to get even with me.
My code name is Aries. And I will burn the world to the ground to get her back.

Wow. Just wow. Outstanding start to the new series. As an avid fan of Janie Crouch's books, I couldn't wait to read this book. Wavy is a familiar character from the Linear Tactical series, where she is Finn (Eagle) and Baby's (Baby) sister. Ian popped up in Blaze to help the LT crew.
Ian is the owner and leader of Zodiac Tactical, a private company that provides security, hostage rescue, and other things that the government/law enforcement can't or won't get involved with. At the core of his mission, personal and professional, is the need to wipe out the group Mosaic once and for all. Ian is an intense man, brooding, guarded, and super-protective of those he cares about.
Wavy is an artist. She sees the world through a kaleidoscope of colors and brings that light to everyone she knows. She is cheerful and friendly and occasionally a bit mischievous (Electric Smurfs).
Code Name: Aries grabbed me from the first pages and didn't let go until the end. Between the suspense of not knowing what would happen from one moment to the next and the romance between two incredible people, I was glued to the pages from start to finish. I loved the first meeting between Wavy and Ian. Who else but Wavy would take on a suspected Mosaic operative with a tray of pie? Ian's reaction was pretty mild considering the circumstances, and I laughed out loud when Baby and Zac showed up. Even better, I loved the effect Wavy had on Ian, "Especially when I didn't understand it myself. It was something about her smile." Right there, you know Ian is toast. Wavy isn't much better. After dreaming about painting him and remembering the feelings he stirred the day before, Wavy decided to "accidentally" encounter him in the city the next day. She never expected to get caught up in his latest op and end up rescuing him.
I loved watching the relationship between Ian and Wavy develop. Ian tries to resist, but it's impossible. Something about Wavy, her smile, and the way she sees the world brings out a softer side of him. At the same time, Wavy sees Ian the man, not the wealthy, dangerous operative. She senses his torment and does what she can to relieve it. The chemistry between them is off the charts, but so is the sweetness of some of their time together.
A revenge-seeking man from Ian's past sets his sights on using Wavy to get to Ian. The terror Ian felt when Wavy disappeared broke my heart as he threw everything he had at finding her. Seeing what Wavy endured brought to mind Ray's story in Ghost and emphasized Wavy's determination to survive. The twists and turns of the search kept the intensity high as every minute counted to get to her before it was too late. I cried at her condition when Ian found her and felt his heart ache for her. The author's description of Wavy's "bubble" existence vividly showed the depth of her trauma. Ian's experience made him the perfect person to help Wavy recover, and I loved seeing her respond to him.
I loved how Wavy eventually calls Ian on his excessive protectiveness. She fights hard for her recovery and pushes herself, desperate to provide the information Ian needs. A stunning twist puts Wavy back in danger. I loved watching Ian unravel the clues that Wavy unknowingly left behind and know exactly what they meant. I ached for Ian, who had to face the nightmares of his past to rescue her. The intensity of his confrontation with his nemesis kept me glued to the pages straight through to its fantastic resolution.
I ached for Ian and Wavy because they still had some obstacles to overcome. Ian won my heart with the depth of his love for Wavy and his understanding of all she endured. My heart broke for Wavy as she struggled to regain the ability to trust herself and pushed Ian away while she did it. Their reunion at the end was fantastic. I laughed when Wavy threw everyone into chaos by ditching her security so she could finally face Ian. I loved how Ian showed, once again, that he understands her: "They're all pieces of you" and "these allowed me to feel like you were with me, even when you weren't." I loved seeing Wavy finally see that their love and trust will see them through anything as long as they are together.

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