Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Vet's Unexpected Hero - Traci Douglass (HMED #1179 - June 2021)

Series: First Response in Florida (Book 1)

In the midst of the hurricane…
…will she find safety in his arms?
Vet Lucy Miller is happy with her quiet, ordered life. But when a tropical storm bears down on her Florida Keys animal sanctuary, the arrival of devastatingly gorgeous, yet equally guarded, emergency medic Jackson Durand brings disorder -- and desire! He's there to rescue her, but Lucy suspects her red-hot reaction to Jackson will be much more dangerous than the storm raging overhead…

Good book with an unusual heroine. Lucy is a veterinarian who runs an animal sanctuary on one of the islands in the Florida Keys. She suffers from OCD and anxiety issues, so it is a sanctuary for her too. With a hurricane bearing down on the Keys, Lucy decides to volunteer with the emergency response team. There she meets Jackson, the EMT tasked to lead the team. From the moment they met, sparks flew between them.
I enjoyed watching the relationship develop between Lucy and Jackson. Both have trust issues. Jackson was abandoned as a small child, and even though a loving family adopted him, he doesn't let other people get close. His romantic relationships lean toward short-term flings. Jackson is a protector and believes that taking care of people proves he is worthy of others' care and attention. Because of her OCD and anxiety issues, Lucy's parents kept tight control over her and told her she couldn't care for herself. Her fiancé was even more controlling and appeared more interested in her as a case study than a person. When she broke free of their control, she earned her vet degree and promised herself she would never be controlled again. This includes deciding to ride out the hurricane at her sanctuary.
When Jackson discovers Lucy disobeyed team rules and refused to take refuge in Key West, he can't leave her in danger. He rushes to her island, determined to drag her away, only to find a woman equally determined to stay. I enjoyed watching them face off, though I think she was wrong to stay. When the storm intensifies too quickly for them to evacuate, they are forced to ride it out. Huddling together in Lucy's basement, she and Jackson spend the time getting to know each other. I loved how Jackson accepted her OCD quirks and helped her through her panic attacks without judging or trying to control her. But when attraction overcomes wariness, Lucy panics and pushes Jackson away, reinforcing his feelings of rejection. It takes some soul-searching for both, and advice to Jackson from his brother to help them see that they belong together. I liked the ending and their honesty about their fears and hopes.

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