Saturday, August 21, 2021

Unlocking the Doctor's Secrets - Carol Marinelli (HMED #1195 - Sept 2021)

A secret to break them……or make them?
Paramedic Lina Edwards feels instant sparks with deliciously brooding consultant Garth Hughes -- only, she's learned not to trust her instincts. Yet Garth makes her feel seen in a way she's never been before. The sadness in his eyes shows he has secrets, but when Lina discovers that, shockingly, she's bound up in his past, she must decide: Is their passionate connection too good to be true, or too good to let go?

Good book. Lina is a paramedic and a nurse. She occasionally pulls a nursing shift at a local hospital. As the book opens, Lina starts one of those shifts and is nearly late for the staff meeting. One of the first people she sees is Garth, an ER doctor she's never worked with before. There's something about him that immediately draws her and also flusters her. Garth is new at the hospital. After working several years in temporary positions, he feels ready to put down some roots. He notices Lina right away and feels an unexpected attraction to her.
I liked watching the relationship between Lina and Garth develop. They clashed a little that first night they worked together, but it opened up the opportunity for Garth to take Lina to breakfast to apologize. I loved how they connected so quickly and how easy they found it to talk to each other. Not only that, the sparks between them led to some intense kisses and the promise of a date before they parted ways. I laughed at their date, as Garth is a jazz fan, and Lina is not, but she handled it well. Getting caught in a downpour led to a stop at Garth's apartment and sparks that no amount of rain could douse.
Since she met him, Lina felt she'd met Garth before, but she couldn't figure out where. Laying in bed beside him that night and catching his profile lit by moonlight, she finally remembered. Horrified by the memory and feeling guilty about the things she knows because of it, Lina pulls away. She's not sure how to tell him or what his reaction will be. I ached for them both when she 'fessed up. The memories stirred up old pain for Garth, and he needed time to deal with it. Lina ached at what she saw as the end of a promising relationship.
Both Garth and Lina had to face their pasts before they could hope to have a future together. Garth had been running from his by taking temporary positions and keeping people at a distance. Lina was the first person to break through those walls in six years, and the feelings she stirred up scared him a bit. But the thought of losing her in his life made him want to change. Lina's past unsuccessful relationships made it hard for her to believe that this would be any different. She also had some trust issues because of her father's actions and needed to let go of that past before she could trust in the future.
I loved the ending. Garth unexpectedly showing up on Lina's vacation was a terrific idea. I love how he opened up about what happened, the effect on him, and how he's changed. Likewise, Lina shared her past. I loved their honesty and determination that no more secrets would come between them. I loved their big moment and the surprise that waited for them afterward. The epilogue was also terrific, with a peek into their lives a year down the road. 

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